

Refer to the Video Tutorials section items for more information about deployment and other development-related video tutorials.


These videos created for ACAP's initial release (ACAP 1.0) back in 2023 should still be compatible with the latest ACAP 2.0, with minor changes and updates.

Follow the steps in the Render Initial Blueprint Instance section to sync its Render deployment methods with the ACAP 2.0 updates.

Render Initial Blueprint Instance

These steps complement the video tutorials for creating a Blueprint Instance, making them compatible with latest ACAP version (ACAP 2.0).


acap-v2 has updated source codes at Release tag v10.1.0-alpha.10 dev branch @commit 95a97cd.

Create a Blueprint Instance

Follow the video guides for creating a Blueprint Instance for the development or production environment.

  • 10 Deployment to Development Environment
  • 11 Deployment to Production Environment

Create Render Secrets

ACAP 2.0 now requires Docker secrets (secret files) in its build stage to build its API documentation, using default values if "secret" files are undefined during the build stage.


Render does not support adding Secrets (Docker secret files) on initial Blueprint creation. Create these Render Secrets with appropriate values after launching a Render Web Service connected to the Blueprint Instance to provide correct values during the succeeding Render build stages.

  1. Go to Dashboard → newly-created Web Service (associated with the Blueprint) → Environment.

  2. Go to the Secret Files section under the Environment page.

  3. Add the following "Render Secrets". Refer to the acap-v2/README file's Render Secrets section to know more about these variables and their values.


Update Render Variables

Set the Render Environment variables if the ACAP-RCMAS APIs are active.

Refer to the acap-v2/server/README and root acap-v2/README files' environment variables sections to know more about these variables and their values.



Re-deploy the server (from GitHub Actions) or manually from the Render dashboard to build the correct values for the online API documentation using the Render Secret values.