
Security Guidelines

ACAP adheres to strict security practices and development patterns defined by its technology stack "while considering the limited options of its (default) standard-pricing tier cloud services" starting from its initial 1.0 version.

Please ensure continued compliance with these security standards when extending ACAP to add or enhance new features while actively considering its currently available plans, options, and features requirements at hand.

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NOTE: Further enhancements and feature updates to the initial ACAP 1.0 version may introduce new requirements to address additional use cases. Please ensure that security measures meet the expectations outlined in these new requirements.


  1. Manually test and ensure using the Firestore Web API (opens in a new tab) and Firestore REST APIs (opens in a new tab) that:

    • (a) Signed-in users cannot perform CREATE/EDIT/DELETE operations in the Firestore collections and documents defined in the Firestore Rules.

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      NOTE: If there is a need to perform CREATE/EDIT/DELETE operations "directly" in the Firestore collections or documents using the Firestore Web API (opens in a new tab) or Firestore REST APIs (opens in a new tab), please ensure the creation and testing of robust, new Firestore Rules (opens in a new tab) that will meet the "new" requirements (ACAP 1.0 only performs such operations thru the backend NodeJS REST APIs, Database #2, Database #3). This ensures manageable security and safety, preventing security breaches like the cross-site scripting (XSS) attack example detailed at:

      XSS Vulnerability Awareness in ACAP 2.0
    • (b) Signed-in users cannot CREATE new Firestore collections and documents

    • (c) Public users without sign-in authentication cannot VIEW sensitive information such as phonebook contacts and email information

  2. Ensure that all mutative "WRITE" operations in the Firestore database occur only through authenticated HTTPS requests in the backend (NodeJS) REST APIs. (see also Server for more information).

    • (a) ACAP 1.0's Firestore Rules strictly prohibits Database #1.a and Database #1.b to enforce this.
    • (b) If new requirements allow item Database #1.a to "directly" perform CREATE/EDIT/DELETE operations in Firestore collections or documents using the Firestore Web API (opens in a new tab) or Firestore REST APIs (opens in a new tab), please ensure that "new" and robust Firestore Rules (opens in a new tab) are created and thoroughly tested. These Rules may need to be separate from ACAP 1.0, which "discourages this approach unless Firestore Rules can be properly enforced".
  3. Ensure proper server-side validation when mutating data through the backend (NodeJS) REST APIs usingĀ validation scripts in middleware or theĀ controllerĀ scripts.

  4. Firestore database security relies on properly tested Firestore Rules to ensure security, especially if its rules do not disable all VIEW/CREATE/EDIT/DELETE operations.

    • Please ensure that "new" and robust Firestore Rules are created and thoroughly tested, in case new database components or requirements need to be added to the ACAP 1.0 Firestore database.

Sensitive data management

  1. Ensure that sensitive data and environment variables are never statically generated and deployed to the GitHub Pages or Firebase Hosting static hosting websites.

  2. Sensitive data, secured with Firebase Authentication, Firebase Custom Claims (User/Admin Accounts #1, #2) and Firestore Rules (Database #1.c) is dynamically fetched from the Firestore Database using the Firestore Web APIs or the secure (NodeJS) REST APIs.

File Storage

Manually test and ensure, using the Firebase Storage Web APIs, that:

  1. Public and signed-in users can only "READ" or download the PDF bulletin files.
  2. Public and signed-in users cannot UPLOAD or DELETE files.


  • Ensure that forkedĀ climate-services-webportal-v1Ā (ACAP 1.0) orĀ acap-v2Ā (ACAP 2.0) monorepo code base or copies remain PRIVATE in GitHub.

User/Admin Accounts

  1. Ensure that Admin accounts are created by the superadmin in the NodeJS backend using Firebase Authentication (opens in a new tab) with Firebase Custom Claims (opens in a new tab), leveraging the Firebase Admin SDK (opens in a new tab) to ensure maximum security.

  2. More information about ACAP 1.0's Security requirements are available in its Software Requirements Specifications document available in this link (opens in a new tab) (accessible only for developers with access).


Firebase Authentication

  1. Firebase Authentication [link] (opens in a new tab)
  2. Firebase Custom Claims [link] (opens in a new tab)
  3. Firebase Admin SDK [link] (opens in a new tab)


  1. Firestore Web API [link] (opens in a new tab)
  2. Firestore REST APIs [link] (opens in a new tab)
  3. Firestore Rules [link] (opens in a new tab)

Online Storage

  1. Firebase Storage Web APIs [link] (opens in a new tab)