Firebase Initialization

A. Firebase Initialization

Checkout the latest ACAP 2.0 source codes

Fork the latest repository to get the latest updates and bug fixes if you haven't already done so.

Read about the latest repository version and forking notes in the Installation and Setup section for more information.


acap-v2 has updated source codes at Release tag v10.1.0-alpha.10 dev branch @commit 95a97cd.

Create a new Firebase Project for the new Region

Create a new Firebase project for the development environment of the new region. Follow the steps in the 03 Create Firebase Projects (opens in a new tab) video tutorial for more information.

Initialize the Firebase Storage

  • Copy the contents of the /client/storage.rules file to the Storage Rules tab
  • Set the Firebase Storage's Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) permissions using the Google Cloud Shell.
    • Go to your Firebase project’s google cloud console on (opens in a new tab).
    • Activate the cloud shell by clicking the Activate Cloud Shell button on the upper right menu.
    • Create a cors.json file on the cloud shell using any of it's cloud-based text editors. Copy and paste the following contents to the JSON file:
            "origin": ["*"],
            "method": ["GET"],
            "maxAgeSeconds": 3600
    • Run the command on cloud shell. Replace BUCKET_NAME with your Firebase Storage bucket name.
      gsutil cors set cors.json gs://<FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID>
    • View the current cors configuration of a bucket:
      gsutil cors get gs://<FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID>

Initialize the Firestore Database

  • Copy the contents of the /client/firestore.rules file to the Firestore Rules tab

Initialize the Firebase Authentication

  • Enable Email/Password Authentication