D. Integration


This section requires a successful set-up of the Client and Server to proceed.

Using NodeJS

Do the following steps to run the client and server apps when using NodeJS for local development.

Run the client app

Navigate to the client app using the commandline then run the script:

cd client
npm run dev

Run the server app

Navigate to the server app using the commandline then run the script:

cd server
npm run dev

Load the ACAP website

Open a web browser and navigate to this local site to load the ACAP website on localhost:


Using Docker


ACAP uses Docker to run the production server app in Render using the server Dockerfile. You can use this or the Dockerfile.acap files in the /server directory to run the server app in production mode.

Using Docker for local development is optional. Do the following steps when using Docker for localhost development. Navigate to the project's root directory then:

Build images

Build the client and server containers for localhost development.

docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml build

Run containers

Create and start the development client and server containers.

docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up

Stop containers

Stop and remove the development containers, networks, images and volumes

docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml down

Load the ACAP website

Open a web browser and navigate to this local site to load the ACAP website on localhost:
