ACAP 2.0 Cropping Calendar




This section describes methods for uploading cropping calendars for the latest ACAP 2.0, whose latest stable version is Release/Tag version v10.1.0-alpha.10, accessible in the acap-v2 repository.

Follow this link to view cropping calendar upload instructions for the older ACAP 1.0.

Data Format


The latest updates for ACAP 2.1, starting with @commit 95a97cd in the acap-v2 dev branch, use a new Cropping Calendar Excel template different from the ones mentioned on this page.

These Cropping Calendars are only compatible up to @commit ee49568 in the acap-v2 dev branch.

Kindly chat the ACAP group chat for more information about the new Cropping Calendar Excel file for ACAP 2.1.

ACAP 2.0 uses cropping calendars with two (2) groups/rows of crop stages for each municipality supporting one (1) or more types of crops. View its raw EXCEL data files in the /server/src/scripts/data/dataset_v2.0 directory for more information about its contents and data structure.

            • rice_cropping_calendar.xlsx
            • corn_cropping_calendar.xlsx
  • Crop Stage Codes and Labels

    This section only displays the ACAP 2.0 crop stage codes and labels for the Rice and Corn crops.


    The crop stage codes should match those defined in the ACAP 2.0 crop recommendations raw Excel files crop stage labels specific to target crops to ensure the correct association of crop stages with target recommendations.


    Support for Multiple Crops
    Developers can add crop stages and labels for other crops, following the crop stages code and label format in the /client/src/utils/constants.js file and by creating cropping calendars similar to the sample cropping calendar Excel files described in the Data Format section as a reference.


    Crop Stage CodeCrop Stage Label
    prepPreparation Stage
    seedSeedling Stage
    plantNewly Planted
    vegatVegetative (Active Tillering)
    vegpiReproductive (Panicle Initiation)
    reproReproductive (Flowering)


    Crop Stage CodeCrop Stage Label
    prepPreparation Stage
    seedSeedling Stage
    vegleafVegetative (Leaf Stages)
    vegtassVegetative (Tasseling)

    Upload Crop Calendar Data

    ACAP 2.0 uploads its cropping calendars using an upload form on the Cropping Calendars page, requiring Admin login.


    The crop stage codes should match those defined in the ACAP 2.0 crop recommendations raw Excel files crop stage labels specific to target crops to ensure the correct association of crop stages with target recommendations.

    *Each municipality should have two (2) rows of crop stages each, following the format of the new cropping calendar Excel templates in the /server/src/scripts/data/dataset_v2.0 directory.

    Prepare the frontend / backend

    Update the frontend and backend codes with necessary data for supporting other crops, with data formats described in the Data Format and Crop Stage Codes and Labels section.

    Login as Admin

    Login as an ACAP admin, then, navigate to the Cropping Calendar Management page in the /admin/cropping-calendars route.

    Upload Cropping Calendars

    1. Upload Cropping Calendar: Select a "Crop Type" from the available crops list and select options.
    2. Upload an Excel file: Press the SEARCH icon.
    3. Browse for a cropping calendar that corresponds to the selected Crop Type in step #1.
    4. Press the UPLOAD button.
    5. Wait for the upload success or fail status response to appear.